116 videos found
Mayor Ron Nirenberg
City of San Antonio
Dr. Kimberley Shoaf
University of Utah Professor of Public Health
Salma Haider
Hofstra University
Scott Burris
Temple Law School Director, Center for Public Health Law Research
Dr. Jeff Kuhr
Mesa County Public Health Director of Public Health
Deana Smith
University of Michigan Center for Health and Research Transformation
Dr. Shelley Hearne
CityHealth President
Dr. Andrew Renda
Humana Senior Vice President for Population Health funding
Dr. Andrey Ostrovsky
Pediatrician and Former Medicaid Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed
Former Detroit Health Commissioner
Gloria E. Barrera
Illinois Association of School Nurses President-Elect Nurse Nursing Nurses
Rip Rapson
Kresge Foundation President
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